13 April 2004

Cholesterol skepticism

Originally I found this in the guardian but followed the link they gave. The interest is to people like me who have a family history of people having heart attacks and in my case also a raised level of cholesterol. The medical advice seems to be conflictual but I must admit that the evidence coming in from people doing the Atkins diet seems to be intriguing -their higher fat in the diet [and satuarated at that] does not raise levels of serum cholesterol. What seems to do so is carbohydrate. This would explain why, despite lowering the amount of fat in my diet my serum chlesterol has never realy varied greatly. I have long suspected that the liver produces the stuff itself from non-fatty sources and the article on the Atkins diet explains the biocemistry as to why that should be so. So I'm rethinkng my diet approach and wondering whether a more Atkins-like diet might be a good idea: don't worry so much about the fats: worry about the carbs. Now the question is about whether I can tweak a vegetarian diet in that direction easily enough...

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