29 April 2004

Lament in worship

Loved this image from Desertpastor's 'Paradoxology' blog site. [Where'd you get it Chris?]. Liked the article too. We've been going through a rough time lately [see some previous blogs in the last week for hints] and my wife especially has been struggling with the 'jollity' of worship at a training college when she wants to scream at God and at trite answers. I am still feeling that we don't do lament well, like Chris.

I know that we need to plan worship that can be accessible to all; but I'm not sure why that means the default position becomes jovial -except that the image that so many of us are escaping from is the kind of mind-numbing gloominess portrayed by the church on the Simpsons and we run from it by embracing up-beat-ness as sanctioned by our culture of fulfilment-through-pleasure.

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