09 June 2004

ETA Green Transport Week 2001

Liftshare day is part of Green Transport week....
Something that Churches should take seriously -how can we make sure that our going to and coming from Church is as sustainable as possible? National walk to church Sunday is one attempt to address this, but I have the impression that it is seen as a bit too gimmicky.

The importance of addressing it all is brought home to me, strangely enough, by the fact that we have a Mosque about 500meters from us. In the evenings [prayer time] each day the road opposite is choked with cars of men going for their prayer times. Many of them, I suspect, actually live within walking distance but western habits .... I don't know what the CO2 cost of those prayer times is but it must be huge. But then carry that over to people going to church on Sundays and at other times ....

It is certainly threatening to eclectic churches who would be devestated by not having people drive to church; mega churches and even more modest big city churches are a product of oil. Hmmm what would that mean if petrol prices continue to rise [as they must -see yesterdays blogs]? Alt worship and emerging church perhaps need to address their ecological footprints and perhaps realise that the future might be small and local.

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Formation for participraying

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