05 June 2004

Rowan says to watch soaps

Okay that's a cartoony version of what he said -but you get the idea. I always felt a bit sheepish in parish ministry to admit that I watched some soaps; but beleive me, it di help to know what was in people's heads over certain issues and at certain times. It also meant that occasionally connection could be made pastorally, apologetically or in teaching. But it always felt like admitting to something that clergy shouldn't be doing -like I had nothing better to do. I actually did think it was important [and I did enjoy it] as a way to stay current in an inner city situation ... still do but with the amount of hours you have to clock up to watch Corrie, 'Stenders, Emmerdale, Neighours .... selctive and occasional is the new watchword.

In anycase, is it me getting old or is the melodrama quotient of soaps rising?

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