12 August 2004

Wake Up Neo!

Hopeful Amphibian blogs about this newish Matrix article. THe new take for me was the interpretation in terms of Gnostic Christianity. When I first saw the film I thought "Buddhist" and this article does do an anlysis in Buddhist terms.

I would, however, say that I think it is reclaimable in more orthodox Christian terms if we start from the idea of the 'god of this world' blinding humans to important spiritual realities. ANyway read it and see what you think.

Why is it important? Because the metaphors for spirituality are just to big for us to ignore; if we are to faithfully proclaim the gospel then we must track this and be able to reframe it to Gsoepl purposes. Apostle Paul is our model: taking every thought captive ....

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 In a meeting earlier today, I was taking notes and in order to try to express a nuance found myself making a neologism in the phrase, ...