22 October 2004

Dr. Tony Campolo on marriage and gay-ity

An Interview With Dr. Tony Campolo by Brian MunzGet this quote and then realise that Tony Campolo is not in favour of Gay partnerships being seen as Christian options but is in favour of truth and justice. I have to say that I think that what he says here is spot on. PArticularly as I've been doing some reading lately on heterosexuality and marriage ..
"So do you think that President Bush is doing the wrong thing by trying to amend the constitution?
TC: Well, I think that what he called the “Defense of Marriage Act” is ridiculous because I've got news for you-- it's not the gays that are getting divorced, it's the heterosexuals. If you want a defense of marriage bill, you will begin to put some restrictions on who can get divorces and how they get divorces. The problem with American families right now is not that the homosexuals want to get married, it's that the heterosexuals are getting divorced. It's about time that we faced up to the facts. It's a superficial, pious hypocrisy when the heterosexual divorced people in churches stand up and say, “We don't want gays to get married.” I don't want them to get married either, but I've got to tell you, the Bible doesn't say anything about homosexual marriages...well, I shouldn't say that. Jesus doesn't say anything about homosexual marriages. He does say some very specific things about people that are divorced and who get remarried. I want to know why we can be so hard on people who are coming into relationships that Jesus never even mentions and so kind to people that are in marital relationships that Jesus specifically condemns. "

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