15 March 2005

Duelling prognoses

The next in the series of articles at Worldchanging on the global food system where the author sets out to investigate and report just what seems to be going on. It's a helpful article laying out the two main competing prognostic schools of thought: "it seemed to me that there are two broad schools of dueling, wheeling thought, with a host of lesser and emerging schools emanating from them. The first is the modern Green Revolution. The second, simultaneously representing an older form of agrarian logic and a response to the Green Revolution, can be dubbed (perhaps unfairly) the Fatal Harvest School." It goes on to look at the main outlines of their approach and the strengths of their ideas. Worth bookmarking, imho.
WorldChanging: Another World Is Here: Postcards From The Global Food System (#2):

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Christian England? Maybe not...

I've just read an interesting blog article from Paul Kingsnorth . I've responded to it elsewhere with regard to its consideration of...