11 June 2005


I'm with Tom Sine on this. If we Christians are serious about [a] community, [b] the planet, [c] social justice, [d] redistribution of wealth, then we have to take this kind of thing seriously. I don't yet know how best to further the agenda myself, but I do want to be able to sooner or later. It's daft to have the multiplication of underused resources under the current system of total private ownership. Of course there may be other ways to deal with the issues like leasing and community schemes but this ought to be on the agenda.. "Cohousing integrates autonomous private dwellings with shared utilities and recreational facilities such as kitchens, dining halls, workshops and children's play facilities. Cohousing residents comprise an intentional community. They choose to live together and to share property and resources. They develop a rich social life that includes regular shared meals."
Treehugger: Sustainable Community: A Cohousing Book:

1 comment:

Mike Morrell said...

I hear you! I have a whole section dedicated to it here.

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