27 June 2005

pester power and debts

My kids are past the age when we would normally expect to see these channels, but I'm shocked and disturbed to learn that loan companies are apparently trying to enlist pester power ... "To test out the impact of the ads, over 1,000 users of this site were polled. The results showed a shockingly high number of parents are being badgered by their children to take out loans with companies such as Ocean Finance and Norton Finance. These companies provide secured loans, which are the very worst form of debt as the lender can forcibly sell the borrower’s house if they are unable to repay monies owed"

Go and read some of this; the way that the kids become mouthpieces of the advertisers and the way it 'normalises' debt in their minds.
UK's only money saving expert:

These companies provide secured loans, which are the very worst form of debt as the lender can forcibly sell the borrower’s house if they are unable to repay monies owed.



TB said...

Unashamed plug on this theme:
Christians Against Poverty

Anonymous said...

Have you read "The Corporation" yet? If not do so. Covers this and more. AN excellent read.

Andii said...

Thanks people for those. CAP are brilliant. I also recemmend 'The Corporation' and, in respect of this subject, Tom Sine's 'Mustard Seed Vs. McWorld'.

Formation for participraying

As I've been thinking about the difference between group processes for intercessory (rather than 'merely' petitionary) prayer me...