14 June 2005

Rejoice with me!

It's only a little thing really but it was looming large and demotivating. You see to publish this book [nearly there!] I need to create the look and feel of the pages and export it to the printers as a .pdf file. No probs, I thought, OpenOffice.org exports pdf's. Only, hang on it doens't embed fonts. So I sign up to the referenced website to be able to do that; the initial reading of their help stuff seemed to suggest it would. Then I discover that actually their thing will only deal with embedded fonts if they are already embedded, so I need to create a Postscript file for the thing to make into a .pdf ...
Anyway before you fall of your chair with the tedium; I discover that by installing a non-existant printer on my system that is a postscript printer I can then 'print to disk' a postscript file of the document. Hurrah and halleluiah!
All because I want my readers to have pictures, a decent contents page and an index!
Create Adobe� PDF Online: easily convert and create PDF documents

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