16 August 2005

Men are now 'unemployable sperm donors'

It may be controversial, it is probably controvertable, but I think that we ignore it at our social peril; the man is articulating something that I suspect a lot of men will find resonant for them. "'Life is now being lived according to women's rules', he told the Radio Times. 'The traits that have traditionally been associated with men - reticence, stoicism, single-mindedness - have been marginalised.
'The result is that men are becoming more like women. Look at the men who are being held up as sporting icons - David Beckham and, God forbid, Tim Henman.'
The former Nine O'Clock News presenter, who now reads the news on BBC World, said some changes have been for the good, but asked: 'What are the men left with?
For me it is less of an issue personally; I have been in a 'job' where 'feminine' traits have been cultivated and I have been brought up in such a way that I don't necessarily value some of the 'masculine' traits. But, like the issue of the feminisation of the workplace, we should take note of the male distress signals and think long and hard how not to alienate further the arguably more aggressive pole of humanity still further; better yet how to develop a masculine spirituality that is not oppositional to the 'feminine' but able to celebrate the distinctives that men have to offer while channeling energies into constructive outlets for the common good.

That said, I'm not convinced that men can't do the traditionally 'feminine' things that are being alluded to here; it just needs framing in ways that can help men move culturally from one place to another.
MediaGuardian.co.uk | Media | Men are now 'unemployable sperm donors', says Buerk:

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Formation for participraying

As I've been thinking about the difference between group processes for intercessory (rather than 'merely' petitionary) prayer me...