12 August 2005

Mortgaged to the House of Saud

I have to confess that this kind of thing really puzzles me too; the rhetoric and the actions don't match.
"... president [Bush] loves to use the word 'evil' in his speeches, yet throughout his life he and his family have had deep personal, political and financial ties with a country that represents everything the American Revolution stood against: tyranny, religious intolerance, corrupt royalty and popular ignorance. This is a country where women aren't allowed to drive and those who show 'too much skin' can be beaten in the street by officially sanctioned mobs of fanatics."
The relationship with Saudi Arabia only really makes sense when oil is placed in the driving seat and once that is acknowledged, it is hard not to think that it is driving other areas of policy. This is the relationship that makes clear the realities.
AlterNet: Mortgaged to the House of Saud:

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