16 August 2005

Yes and Amen: Newness and Creativity

Thanks to Kester for articulating briefly what me an my wife seem to be discussing a lot lately. "When we are being truly creative (and an interesting discussion might be to ask exactly what that is - artists, is all output creative? Or only when you are in touch with your muse?) we are actually making something that did not exist before, and thus actually changing the fabric of the universe for ever, for eternity. "
I would add that I link this up with the image from the end of Revelation where the wealth of the nations is brought into the New Jerusalem; I have taken that to include the creativity of the world since that is the real source of wealth.

Furthermore, if creativity is part of our calling as God-imagers (and it is hard not to see it that way), then it seems to me that 'heaven'/the new Creation must be a spacetime of continuing creativity and 'wealth' ... not at all the static harp-twanging waiting room of pop fiction and jokes.
The Complex Christ: Thoughts on Newness and Creativity:

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