27 September 2005

Can Infidels be Innocents?

Over the summer I reported that there had been fatwas against the bombers. It turns out that these were not fatwas. And it also turns out that we need to ask decidedly pointed questions of muslims who condemn acts of terror commited by those of Muslim background; "Muslim statements condemning the killing of 'innocents' cannot be taken at face value but must be probed to find out who exactly are considered innocent and who not. In brief, Can infidels be innocents?". We hear 'innocents' and think 'passers-by' etc. At least some of the Jihadists and who knows who else tend to exclude 'kuffar' -that is non-Muslims from the category of 'innocent' ... The evasiveness of Omar Bakri Mohammed needs to be seen to be believed on this point.
Can Infidels be Innocents? [Weblog] - Daniel Pipes:

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