27 September 2005

[Footprint] The Lives Behind Sustainable Business

Like many I have taken a keen interest in what I consume. Whether I buy goods that have been sustainably or unsustainably, justly or unjustly produced. Over time I've realised that this also means that I have a responsibility in what I produce, not simply what I consume. If my production is unsustainable or supports unsustainability then I need to think twice about what I am doing.

As a self employed person I have numerous customers in various types of business. Being under contract to these companies means that I am supporting their businesses. The big question is 'should I pick and choose what businesses I work for'? The answer has to be yes.

So how do I promote myself to the type of business that I wish to support?

Well, personally speaking I desire to be a customer of sustainable businesses, and if I also feel that the owners and employees who end up with my money in their pockets live in an ecologically sensitive way too then I'm happier to do business with them. If it is merely the business that is sustainable and the owner(s) and employees just blow their income on plane rides and Nescafé then I'm not so keen. So, conversely, perhaps I could promote my business on my own lifestyle?

Would potential customer's be drawn to contract out to a person who is living by a similar set of values as themselves? Well, I'm not sure that awareness of this consideration is high. Whilst people are aware of the eco-credentials/justice credentials of various businesses I'm not sure that they go as far as considering the lifestyles of those employed by the business. However, surely the impact of the workers is just as great as the impact of the business itself?

Is it possible to succintly promote the concept of not only a sustainable and just business, but a sustainable and just personal lifestyle behind the business?

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