04 November 2005

Paternoster rosary 3.3 - Matthew 4:4

But he answered, "It is written, "One does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.' "

This actually links strongly to the final comment for the last passage. If our provision is linked to being in God's will, or at least striving to make God's ways the priority in our lives (as per the first passage in this round of readings), then learning God's will is a priority too. In the sentence quoted, Jesus is resisting the temptation to grasp at provision (of bread, literally) that is not meant for him at that time and in that way. He does so by quoting '... not ... by bread alone...', indicating that God's revealed will is prior. So part of our provision, our daily bread, is encounter with God's will. That encounter is life-giving and will lead us or keep us on the path of God's provision.

I'm interested too, that in the context of this passage, we have an example of Christ refusing provision because although it was on offer and was needed, it was not going to be obtained by right livelihood (to quote Friederich Schumacher in Small is Beautiful, and recognising the usefulness of this Buddhist phrase to describe what I mean). This is an attitude that we in the consumerist west need to reflect on more fully, I think: capacity does not constitute a right to use.

So, as I pray "Give us today our daily bread" I am, at this point, often praying for the provision of guidance and life-giving words from God to help us on our way, particularly in circumstances where there seems to be a snarl-up or the way forward seems unclear, whether for me personally, us as a family, or church-wise.

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Crosswalk.com - mt 4:4: On Del.icio.us: , , , ,

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