05 December 2005

Calendars use sex to sell God

I came across this by accident; my browser did something odd and in attempting to reconstruct my tabs I visited this news site which had a new article ...
A Protestant youth group has put together a 2006 calendar with 12 staged photos depicting erotic scenes from the Bible, including a bare-breasted Delilah cutting Samson's hair and a nude Eve offering an apple.

I'm trying to decide what I think, but I'm concerned about just what messages were [a] intended and [b] are likely to be received. It looks as if it's in good taste. But I'm not sure what the net effect is likely to be. I'm all for shock tactics to scare the unhelpful prejudices about Christian faith out of post-Christian souls. Is this the way to do it? Maybe, maybe not.
Feel free to help me think it over....
Calendars use sex to sell God and cheese - World - smh.com.au: Filed in: , , , ,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"by accident"


oh how the laughing makes me cramp...

Formation for participraying

As I've been thinking about the difference between group processes for intercessory (rather than 'merely' petitionary) prayer me...