06 December 2005

'Narnia represents everything that is most hateful about religion'

I think that we need to listen well to our despisers. It is our enemy who may well tell us a truth about ourselves that friends fear to mention. In the spirit of exploration and knowing ourselves and those we seek to persuade better, how about looking over this?
Of all the elements of Christianity, the most repugnant is the notion of the Christ who took our sins upon himself and sacrificed his body in agony to save our souls. Did we ask him to? Poor child Edmund, to blame for everything, must bear the full weight of a guilt only Christians know how to inflict, with a twisted knife to the heart. Every one of those thorns, the nuns used to tell my mother, is hammered into Jesus's holy head every day that you don't eat your greens or say your prayers when you are told.

A lot to unpack there. Both about atonement and also the use or abuse of power including crucially, rhetorical power.
Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | 'Narnia represents everything that is most hateful about religion': Filed in: , , ,

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