08 December 2005

Torture evidence inadmissible in UK courts; thank God!

We are in danger of becoming what we hate, I thank God that this pulls us from the brink of a deep, deep abyss.
The Law Lords' ruling has overturned the tacit belief that torture can be condoned under certain circumstances.
This ruling shreds any vestige of legality with which the UK government had attempted to defend a completely unlawful and reprehensible policy, introduced as part of its counter-terrorism measures.

Once we allow that the ends justify the means we are no better than the terrorist organisations we are seeking to defend against and convert.
Guardian Unlimited Politics | Special Reports | Torture evidence inadmissible in UK courts, Lords rule:Filed in: , ,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good to hear but not so good news from down under I'm afraid. The sedition laws got passed in Australia. Journos got upset because of the threat to free speach. I fear us bloggers may be even more vulnerable.

Formation for participraying

As I've been thinking about the difference between group processes for intercessory (rather than 'merely' petitionary) prayer me...