06 January 2006

DVD is history: next video format=?

When I started to read this I thought, "Betamax vs VHS all over again" and that was picked up later in the article:
But if a winner does not emerge soon, observers predict a rerun of the VHS-Betamax video battle of the 80s, with many left seething after their Betamaxes became obsolete almost overnight.

Then I thought that it's not that long since I stopped buying videos and got a DVD player, I don't want to get into yet another upgrade, and in any case do I really want a HDTV? Not sure I do, really. What I would be interested in is downloading stuff from the 'net, i-tunes style... and blow me down, look what the article ends on:
Some, however, suggest both options could be bypassed by other technologies. Google is planning an online video service that will allow users to pay to download films and programmes over the internet. It could do for videos what iTunes has done for music and could quickly make DVD-style formats seem old hat.

So, maybe I don't want to worry about formats after all.
Further related article on BSkyB and M$ deal on vid on demand...
Guardian Unlimited Technology | Technology | DVD is history: get ready for next video format: Filed in: , , , ,

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