04 February 2006


Reflecting a little on recent events with certain Danish cartoons of the Prophet of Islam; it seems we are challenged to think about blasphemy and its place in social and political relationships. I found this piece in El Pais [Spain] helpful. I found it helpful and challenging to be reminded that for an agnostic, 'blasphemy' is a "terrorist concept that claims the annihilation of their person by the simple act of criticising concepts that only have imaginary existence". In other words it goes to the heart of the project of people living side by side with others whose view of the world can be very different.
Pero ¿existe realmente la blasfemia? Para el creyente, sin duda: su Iglesia se inventa ese concepto condenatorio y hostiga al disidente lo máximo posible. Pero ¿qué es la blasfemia para el agnóstico?: simplemente, un concepto terrorista que pretende la aniquilación de su persona por el simple hecho de criticar conceptos que sólo tienen existencia imaginaria.

We can't impose on others our view without doing violence to them and to the bonds of good will. Yet, any society must also be engaged in taking sanctions against those who beyond certain limits threaten by their ideas and choices the bases for seeking the common good. It's a hard one to pick through. But surely, those of us who do, from time to time, feel offended by the way that others who do not share our beliefs, should apply the 'do as you would be done by' principle. We can recognise that if the tables were turned, and it was us doing the offending because of our way of looking at the world, we would want protection, understanding and the opportunity to negotiate a way of handling the matter to aim for something like a win-win outcome.

The problem I have with the kinds of Islam I am seeing at the moment in relation to this matter is that there appears to be no desire, impetus or reason encouraging those Muslims to recognise that there are other views held sincerely. I recognise too that in other circumstances, there are Christians who seem to have forgotten that the Golden Rule is part of what Jesus passed on to us along with "Father forgive them they don't know what they are doing". If there are other Islamic voices, it would be good to hear them and be encouraged that Islam does have the resources to recognise at least a degree of pluralism.
Blas, blasfemia - ELPAIS.es - edici�n impresa - Autonom�as - Madrid:
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