03 June 2006

circle of pneuma: Postmodern Folk Religions

A few days back, I blogged about new spiritualities in western culture. And following a brief comment exchange Phil Johnson added value to the discussion by reflecting on it further. So I'm making sure that his further remarks are represented properly on this blog by referencing them here.
A useful snippet to whet your appetite:
individuals make their own attempts at gaining some control over those forces that seem to dominate their daily routines (or make them feel that all is out-of-control). Those efforts involve exploring ways of establishing how to make good choices, how to get some sense of what is up ahead in the coming months, what sacred signs may be found in the cosmos, in nature or within me, and what sacred stories, sacred rituals and sacred tools are needed to activate solutions to my needs. That, my friends, is where folk religiosity surfaces as being "everything" or highly relevant to interpreting postmodernity (and the missional challenges arising from it). And I might add that it occurs not just outside Christian contexts but also with people who participate in Christian meetings.

circle of pneuma: Postmodern Folk Religions
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