12 June 2006

DNA data use shows government can't be trusted with ID card data

A Liberal Democrat MP rummages around with regard to DNA data held by the government and finds that they have shared it with foreign governments and they didn't even realised they had done so. The MP concerned observes:
“This is a bad omen for the upcoming ID register, now the Government has made it clear that our personal data can be shared with foreign countries. There are no real safeguards in place to control this huge database which leaves it open for misuse – and now we find out it's not only being misused in our country but also internationally. What confidence can we have in the Government’s reassurance of the DNA database having proper safeguards when, until last year, they didn’t even collate requests properly?”

Renew your passport now to attempt to put off being registered with the database until 2017, when hopefully this madness will have gone belly up and/or it will have become Labour's poll-tax.
Lynne Featherstone - news:Filed in: , , , , ,

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Formation for participraying

As I've been thinking about the difference between group processes for intercessory (rather than 'merely' petitionary) prayer me...