03 October 2006

Brain's Action Center Is All Talk: Strong Mental Link Between Actions And Words

I *think* this is a contribution to demonstrating that the core thesis in Philosophy in the Flesh is correct.
The brain's premotor cortex shows the same activity pattern when subjects observe an action as when they hear words describing the same action
The main thing being tohat most language is metaphorical, andmetaphor is not an add-on for more sophisticated communication, but is fundamental to our way of speaking and conceptualising even quite elementary things. And this lies in the use by our brains/minds of the foundation of spatial and other physical processing in the brain to build analogies and to reapply categories to other areas of experience. What this means is that embodiedness is fundamental to human thinking. Expect further publications from Lakoff and Johnson!

That's interesting theologically as well as philosophical terms. What price incarnation? For example. It does also seem to indicate that learning is probably mostly associative even for children...

ScienceDaily: Brain's Action Center Is All Talk: Strong Mental Link Between Actions And Words:
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