12 October 2006

ID card critic trashes government report

It seems suspicious when a government is mandated to simply report the costs so far of a project and fails to do so ...
"A cost report is a cost report — you should know how much you have spent to date. What Parliament did not want is the latest guesstimate, it's 'How much have you spent so far?'. Politics has taken over from reality," Angell continued. "Basically we're making a very straightforward point. More thought must be given to the complexity. The idea of hoping it will all just work out is just crossing your fingers. With any large computer project, it doesn't matter what it is, it is complex."

And we should note that the reason for having the things has morphed again.
"Illegal working will become far more difficult as the National Identity Scheme is rolled out,Any employer would be able to check a person's unique reference number against registered information about their identity to find out whether someone is eligible to work in the UK."'

And as Robin Wilton points out.
I think this raises a number of issues:
1 - I thought that's what a UK National Insurance Number was for;
2 - As I understand it, European law forbids EU member states from requiring the nationals of other member states to hold identity cards other than those of their country of origin. I could be mis-remembering that, but if anyone has chapter and verse, please post a comment...
3 - Mr Byrne is, from a technical perspective, eliding 'assertions of identity' with 'assertions of entitlement', where there is no requirement to do so. Technically speaking (I can't speak for the politics of it...) there is no need for an applicant to be able to present a UK-issued credential in order to assert their entitlement to work in the UK.

Oh, and you really should read the rest of Robin's article and the comments on it. I am seriously considering how to become an Irish citizen ...
It'd be funny if fundamental liberties, the nature of society and shedloads of money weren't at stake.
ID card critic trashes government report - ZDNet UK News:
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