18 October 2006

Zaiba Malik wears a niqab for a day and is shocked by the reaction of strangers

In all the hoo-hah in Britain at the mo about women wearing niqab, this is an excellent counter reflection as a Muslim background woman who doesn't normally wear special faith-related costume tries on the full monty of niqab and jilbab for a day. Her conclusion:
I don't understand the need to wear something as severe as the niqab, but I respect those who bear this endurance test - the staring, the swearing, the discomfort, the loss of identity. I wear my robes to meet a friend in Notting Hill for dinner that night. "It's not you really, is it?" she asks.
No, it's not. I prefer not to wear my religion on my sleeve ... or on my face.

Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | Zaiba Malik wears a niqab for a day and is shocked by the reaction of strangers:
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