11 November 2006

Blog Posada for 2006

I had an idea this morning while waiting for a haircut in the barber's. Why not have a blog posada this Advent? What would be involved would be that each day of Advent someone would upload or link to the nativity image and write a blog entry about or reflecting on or inspired by 'hosting' Mary and Joseph on the way to the Nativity shed. So I would start off on Advent Sunday, then someone else would 'take' the image from my blog and write their entry on the Monday. Someone else would then 'take' the image on Tuesday and write their piece, and so on through Advent.

Or, to put it another way: The idea is to have a chain of comments/reflections. One each day. The common thread would be that the blog entry would have the Posada picture in the entry, in that way the Mary and Joseph figures would be passed visually from 'host' to 'host' rather like the physical posadas where the crib figures pass from household to household. In the blog entries we would add our own prayers or meditations in a similar way to how each household in a posada would have their own devotions with the figures.

I'm hoping that the figures we would use would link back to an 'original' image which I would be hosting [in the internet sense of the term this time] probably on blogger.

So now we need to think how to administer this. What I propose is that those who wish to do a posada blog entry with the Mary and Joseph picture after me, put a comment to this posting saying that you would like to do so. I suggest that we do it sequentially, first comment for Monday, second for Tuesday and so forth.

I'd also encourage you then to recruit someone else so that we don't end up with the holy couple stranded on one blog! Please, also, once you've got a web-address/ permalink for your Posada blog entry;
  1. link it back to the previous day or to my Advent Sunday posting and
  2. leave a comment with the link.

Hopefully that way all the postings get linked to each other somehow.

Here's where the original idea came from for me.
What is it all about? During the evenings leading up to Christmas Day, 'nativity sets' of Joseph and Mary travel on a roster basis visiting a different family or place every night. The night Mary and Joseph 'stay' provides a great opportunity to invite guests around to share together the true meaning of Christmas with a prayer evening or Christmas carolling, for example.

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