02 May 2007

New way to split water into H and O

Could be significant, because it would appear to be quick and scalable.
"We put these films in water and they promote some reactions that split water into hydrogen and oxygen," said Biswas. "We can use any oxide materials such as titanium dioxide, tungsten oxide and iron oxide in nanostructures sandwiched together that make very compact structures. The process is direct and takes only a few minutes to fabricate. More important, these processes can be scaled up to produce larger structures in a very cost effective manner in atmospheric pressure processes."

ScienceDaily: Solar Power Splits Water Into Hydrogen And Oxygen Using Unique Method

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Anonymous said...

Research in this field kicked off in 2004 in Australia and appears to be the best bet we have for a long term (over the next 30 years) energy revolution.

Here is an old article from 2004. The US and UK also have efforts underway to develop this technology.

Anonymous said...

I meant to say that researched was rekindled because the original discovery was made in the 70s I believe.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Derek, that's really helpful, I've followed up the article you referenced. Brilliant value-added comments.

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