07 May 2007

Trauma awakens ... empathy?

This is reported in terms of susceptibility to PSTD, but reflecting on my own experience, I can't help wondering whether the first effect is greater empathy and the dark side of that is that the vulnerability to the hurt of others is also vulnerability to finding the effects of empathy more overwhelming ... ? See what you think.
One of the first studies to look at the effects of trauma on the brains of healthy people, it is published in the May issue of the journal Emotion.
"These people appear to be doing okay, but they may, indeed, be having more sensitive responses to upsetting stimuli," said Elise Temple, a co-author and assistant professor of human development at Cornell.
More than half the population experiences trauma, which makes people more likely to develop PTSD, depression, anxiety and physical illness later in life, according to other studies. Also, trauma has been found to make the brain's emotional processing centers -- particularly the amygdalae, the parts of the brain that judge emotional intensity and make emotional memories -- more sensitive in cases of PTSD.

And if I'm right, what does that say about the incarnation and God? Interesting reflection for Ascension tide as we 'see' the humanity of Christ taken into 'heaven'/God...
ScienceDaily: Traumas Like Sept. 11 Make Brains More Reactive To Fear

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