07 June 2007

Bee gone dull cares.

I keep hearing about this thing about bees disappearing,

and this article gives us the skinny on the latest theories. It's a bit worrying, being as how they are major players in pollination and thus some of our food supply (remember ecology? -How things work together for good?). Here's my favourite silly theory: "'My favorite theory, which I throw out, is that the bees are out there creating their own crop circles, working very hard, physically pushing the crops down with their little legs. It fits. It explains the loss of bees and crop circles at the same time.'"
The article also looks at some of the metaphoric uses being made of the phenomenon.
Before we get too 'doomsday' about it though, ""From an ecological standpoint, it is opening up the possibility for local pollinators like the mason bee to come back." Honeybees, after all, are an introduced species. They were brought here by European explorers and settlers. The Indians called them "white men's flies.""
Honey, I'm Gone - washingtonpost.com:

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