01 June 2007

Unionising heaven

Having just set in motion becoming a member of the Higher Education union UCU, I was interested in Walton's comment about unions just out today. I've been noting how the unions I've been involved with in the last five years or so have been in the process of becoming more focused on the all round welfare of members in terms of career development, financial services and deals with organisations to help get goods and services at better rates. Which is probably as it should be. Walton made me smile with this;
"But unions have had to rethink themselves quite drastically, and there are some early signs that this is paying off in some interesting and exciting ways.
Unions have been reaching out to groups of workers who have never been organised before. The union I work for, Unite - traditionally an engineering union - now has a faith workers branch, with clergy from most religions. The union has a recognition agreement with the Church of Scotland, and it is a very interesting and heartening experience to meet a senior shop steward with the title 'Reverend'.
Comrade reverend, do you think the members will vote for strike action if their demands for more divine intervention are not met?
That'd make the old gaffer sit up and take notice."
Red Star Coven: The end of black men in blue overalls?:

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Formation for participraying

As I've been thinking about the difference between group processes for intercessory (rather than 'merely' petitionary) prayer me...