01 September 2007

Brains, obe's and spiritual experience.

Denyse O'Leary naturally and rightly picks up this story to comment on "Scientists have deliberately fooled people into feeling they are watching themselves from outside their own bodies, using virtual-reality technology. The achievement reveals how the brain can be confused as it struggles to integrate confusing information from the different senses. " and she makes some good points in response. However, I missed one of the obvious retorts to the materialist/reductionist reading: that is that if there are such things as spiritual experiences, the only way we could 'process' them would be via our neural systems: hence the use of various physical techniques to simulate them in the brain does not disprove the reality of the simulated any more than stimulating optical phenomena via electrodes disproves eyesight. ... does it?
Mindful Hack: Simulated out-of-body experiences - what difference do they make to our view of the soul?:

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Christian England? Maybe not...

I've just read an interesting blog article from Paul Kingsnorth . I've responded to it elsewhere with regard to its consideration of...