05 September 2007

Psychiatrists Are The Least Religious Of All Physicians

I'm not surprised to discover that research shows this: "'Something about psychiatry, perhaps its historical ties to psychoanalysis and the anti-religious views of the early analysts such as Sigmund Freud, seems to dissuade religious medical students from choosing to specialize in this field,' said study author Farr Curlin, MD, assistant professor of medicine at the University of Chicago. 'It also seems to discourage religious physicians from referring their patients to psychiatrists.'"
Though the latter bit was more of a surprise. Though I'm not sure how worried I would be by it. The psychiatric approach is dodgy, I gather, in terms of results. Things like CBT and counselling seem more effective than analysis.
I also suspect that the researcher's guess as to why is probably right: "Patients probably seek out, to some extent, physicians who share their views on life's big questions,"
I suspect that many religious people have a suspicion that their faith would be viewed as a neurosis or somesuch and so would not wish to fight that battle with a therapist when they are seeking help with something else.
ScienceDaily: Psychiatrists Are The Least Religious Of All Physicians:

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