07 September 2007

The terrier who got his teeth into God

Interesting comment from an agnostic commenting on the kinds of positions he found certain atheists taking which he thought were "“grotesque" why? "...for clever people like Dawkins” to present themselves as some kind of martyrs for the atheist cause. “Nobody is denying them their atheism and nobody has done for a very long time in this country. I doubt whether any of Dawkins’s immediate relatives have been burnt at the stake. Hitchens presents religion as not just wrongheaded but as something so dangerous it must be eradicated. And then they say even these people who profess to be believers actually know it’s not true. How dare they? That’s unacceptable. I think it’s dishonest.”
Of course this is the reflex of the Theists etc thinking it's only and always obduracy and rebellion that motivates atheism (and that atheists really 'know' there's a God). Of course sometimes it is, often though, it's not.
And both positions are a bit like believing in our heart of hearts that foreigners really speak English; they just talk French or whatever to be awkward or to exclude us.
The terrier who got his teeth into God:

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