06 October 2007

More cheers for Rowan: neocon crit

Whatever else one might say about him, Rowan Williams (the Archbishop of Canterbury) is saying important things from a Christian perspective. In this case he
criticised the neoconservatives of the Bush administration and accused them of 'potentially murderous folly' for suggesting military action against Syria and Iran

To be more precise he said this:
"When people talk about further destabilisation of the region - and you read some American political advisers speaking of action against Syria and Iran - I can only say that I regard that as criminal, ignorant and potentially murderous folly. We do hear talk from some quarters of action against Syria and Iran. I can't understand what planet such persons are living on, when you see the conditions that are already there.

Of course, one might think that the neocon position is likely to be unaffected by such considerations since they are more interested in 'projecting geopolitical power' than in empathy, human suffering and justice. It is sad to find myself saying that, but I really am coming to think that some political opinions are 'autistic': they are people-blind and empathy-low and mostly interested in their own place in the world.
Archbishop attacks neocons over US threat to bomb Iran | Special reports | Guardian Unlimited:

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