20 November 2007

Cyberaction: resist nuke power in earthquake zone

It's hard to believe but there is a proposal to build a nuclear power plant in Bulgaria in an earthquake-prone area. "The Belene project was planned in the early 1980s and from the start it was controversial because the nuclear plant would be situated in an earthquake zone. During the last large earthquake in 1977, over 120 people died only 14 kilometres from the Belene site. In 1984, Soviet scientists actually warned against building a nuclear plant at this location and in the 1990s the plan was scrapped."
We should recall the lasting effects of Chernobyl ... add your voice to opposing this by clicking on this link: FoE Europe - Anti-nuclear cyber action

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Christian England? Maybe not...

I've just read an interesting blog article from Paul Kingsnorth . I've responded to it elsewhere with regard to its consideration of...