31 May 2008

Human remains explain Stonehenge mystery - being-human - 29 May 2008 - New Scientist

Whilever Stonehenge serves as a pilgrimmage destination for the bardically and neo-paganly-inclined it is useful to keep an eye on the archaeological discoveries. Human remains explain Stonehenge mystery in New Scientisttells us: "However, the fact that Stonehenge was a burial site is not necessarily proof that its primary purpose was as a cemetery. 'Ceremonial places have all sorts of meanings,' he says. For example, churches are full of burials because they are sacred places, but that's not their primary p urpose. 'It is another part of the puzzle, but it's not the final answer,' Chippindale says.". Basically human remains go back right to the earliest times of the monument. There is a theory that the 'henge was a hospital, in which case the sacred site explanation would be less compelling...

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