17 December 2008


Given that I tend to show up in MBTI as ENTP, then this typing according to ones blog seems to be good, especially as it took only a few moments.Typealyzer: "The analysis indicates that the author of http://nouslife.blogspot.com is of the type:
INTP - The Thinkers"
I'd be interested to hear other peoples' experiences.
Htt Stephen.


Steve Hayes said...

It was inaccurate for two of my blogs and accurate for a third Notes from underground: Blogging persona

Dr Moose said...

Interesting. I showed as ENTP to an MBTI of ENTJ. I know that capsule descriptions can be rather like horoscopes, but it made as much sense to me as the ENTJ I'm meant to be, especially the part about getting easily bored!

Must link this to the blog...

Anonymous said...

Well, it identified my blog at http://mattstone.blogs.com as ESTP but I am an INTP. Given my emphasis on art and the correlation between N and symbols I have to wonder about the methodology.

Formation for participraying

As I've been thinking about the difference between group processes for intercessory (rather than 'merely' petitionary) prayer me...