18 October 2009

BNP accept non-white members

Well, actually, it looks like they're not going to contest the order to change the racist clause in their consitution concerning membership eligibility. Article: BNP's Nick Griffin bows to pressure to accept non-white members | Politics | The Guardian. However, this is probably right: "Shami Chakrabarti, director of Liberty, said the changes would do nothing to alter the BNP's political views.
'A shiny new constitution does not a democratic party make,' she said. 'It would be a pyrrhic victory, to say the least, if anyone thought that giving the BNP a facelift would make the slightest difference to a body with so much racism and hatred pumping through its veins.'"
I'd have thought that in practice it wouldn't change likely recruitment: I really don't see south Asians or Afro-Carribeans queuinng up to join. But then ... how would it be if about 2 million Asian Muslims joined ... and changed the party's consitution and aims and policies? He he he. Presumably Nick Griffin and his merry men would have to go elsewhere. In a way it shows that such a party can't probably legally continue to exist, not if people were really free to join it and did so: by conforming to the law racists contradict their own principles. That said, I'm not sure whether I prefer that they are forced underground or at least not-legally constituted or kept where we can see them ...

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Formation for participraying

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