09 November 2009

Signs of the flesh

'Flexitarian' may be taking over from 'piscetarian' but what's most interesting is the move towards less meat eating. Come on Christians.... BBC NEWS | Magazine | The rise of the non-veggie vegetarian: "Mintel categorises 23% of the population as meat-reducers, people attempting to eat less meat, probably mainly for health reasons. Another factor is climate change - livestock rearing produces methane, which is 23 times more powerful than carbon dioxide in global warming terms, according to Lord Stern. It identifies 10% as meat-avoiders, people who plan to eat little or no meat but sometimes lapse, and who might well accept the ethical basis of vegetarianism.

'More than a quarter of people say they eat less meat than they did five years ago. There is a shifting change in the diet,' says Ms Gellatley. 'A third of our membership are meat reducers.'"

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Formation for participraying

As I've been thinking about the difference between group processes for intercessory (rather than 'merely' petitionary) prayer me...