29 June 2010

Wisdom 'is the brain slowing down in old age'

This seems to be telling us that getting older does have some perks. First off; you can teach an old dog new tricks: its just that it takes a little bit longer, but not learning them is more to do with attitude than ability:
Scans of elderly people's brains also found that their ability to learn new skills was undiminished despite their advancing age.
But here's the kicker:
"The elderly brain is less dopamine-dependent, making people less impulsive and controlled by emotion. Older people also less likely to respond thoughtlessly to negative emotional stimuli because their brains have slowed down compared to younger people. This, in fact is what we call wisdom.
'MRI scans have also identified the four regions of the brain that contribute to wisdom, with older people demonstrating a higher level of activity between these regions than younger people.'"
Now I'm not fully sure that I'd call this 'wisdom', but I am willing to concede that it probably has something to do with it. I'm also reflecting that in the Scriptures, leaders are often called elders. It may be that the age factor was recognised in judging suitability to leadership and perhaps some of it was down to the effects of what this research has laid bare... ?
Wisdom 'is the brain slowing down in old age' - Telegraph:

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