06 August 2010

Life expectancy -or dread

Having recently had a conversion with one of my sons and my daughter about the likely effects of climate change (some of which could be 'apocalyptic' in the popular sense), I found myself with a modicum of sympathy for this perspective:
Having been born in 1940 rather than 2010, I am pleased to say that my chances of reaching 100 are extremely slim. There comes a point when one starts to say to oneself that one is glad that certain scary things – the flooding of London, nuclear war, the end of the world or whatever – are unlikely to happen during one's lifetime. It is comforting to know that one's risk of exposure to serious unpleasantness is getting rapidly smaller, but future generations may not enjoy that solace
And of course there is the disaster-waiting-to happen aspect which has meant that for the last five years I've been saying that I can't see full retirement at 65 years being a sensible option for much longer.
There is a feeling of panic in the air as it is realised that within 30 years there will be only two working adults for every pensioner – half as many as at present
So there are now 10,000 centenarians in Britain? This ageing business is getting out of control | Alexander Chancellor | Comment is free | The Guardian

1 comment:

Steve Hayes said...

Never fear, euthanasia is on its way.

Formation for participraying

As I've been thinking about the difference between group processes for intercessory (rather than 'merely' petitionary) prayer me...