30 November 2011

Culture is key to eco-housing

I've been working on things to do with cultural studies lately and so been reminding myself and reflecting afresh on how culture is one humongous trialogue between 'stuff', 'happenings' and thinking-and-feeling. The trialogue is unstable though, like any complex dynamical system, it can have areas and times of relative equilibrium when things don't seem to change much.
What is stopping us building more eco-houses?:
It is not technology, or even politics, which is holding us back in building more eco-houses, it is deep rooted cultural and social conventions in how we live and what we expect houses to do for us
So we should note the importance of the way that we think and feel about housing in relation to the things in houses that we tend to use or not and all of that in relation to events like fossil fuel price hikes. It's not just the 'tech'; it's changes in expectations and imagination alongside 'buy-in' to the need and importance of living this way.

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