08 November 2011

What to do with your name after marriage? Why, blend.

Going through the usual options (choose one, keep both, hyphenise) this article sets out the conversation highlights on this matter so far: What to do with your name after marriage – a great post-wedding game | Frances Ryan | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk. It does miss one: some friends of ours chose a new hyphenated surname based on their family histories rather than their birth-certificate surnames. However, the real aim of the article is to set the scene for ....
the newest marital name trend has ensured the long search for a solution is over. Couples are now "meshing": blending the key syllables of both of their surnames to form a brand new sparkling one.
I like it. In our case, that could make us Reynbows. Yep; that sits well with me.

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