03 March 2012

Christianity is 'broad shouldered'

Yeah, we thought so.
BBC director-general Mark Thompson has claimed Christianity is treated with far less sensitivity than other religions because it is ‘pretty broad shouldered’.
Actually it's a compliment. And it's as it should be in the sense that it's a more Christlike image. That doesn't mean we shouldn't point out the inconsistencies and call people to account: but we should do so assertively not aggressively. My fear is that many Christains when it comes to the public arena become shrill and aggressive and don't knlow how to be appropriately assertive -which involves respecting the other parties.

It's interesting to consider this:  
“I complain in the strongest possible terms”, is different from, “I complain in the strongest possible terms and I am loading my AK47 as I write”. This definitely raises the stakes.’
The question is whther we should be giving that kind of privilege to that kind of implied threat. I think not. Geese and ganders probably ought to be served with the same media sauce...
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2106953/Christianity-gets-sensitive-treatment-religions-admits-BBC-chief.html#ixzz1o4Qt9u7P
And a later article in the Guardian is worth a look too, picking up as it does on the implied point I make in the previous paragraph.

Christianity gets less sensitive treatment than other religions admits BBC chief | Mail Online:

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