14 April 2012

Art and the flow of spacetime

I have long enjoyed and admired Andy Goldsworthy's art. These are examp0les directly picking up the link from Andy's site (and are copyright to him, hence I've merely linked through to them not copied them). Here's one:
Or this: 

 You'll perhaps pick up form these that Andy's work involves natural materials and these are, in variying degrees, ephemeral. The presentation of the art is to a public is lrgely through the photographs as the 'original' tends to gain entropy and returns to the flow of energy and matter that we call nature. Here's somethoing of what Andy says of his work.
I have become aware of raw nature is in a state of change and how that change is the key to understanding. I want my art to be sensitive and alert to changes in material, season and weather. ... All forms are to be found in nature, and there are many qualities within any material. By exploring them I hope to understand the whole. My work needs to include the loose and disordered within the nature of material as well as the tight and regular.
See Andy Goldsworthy - Philosophy. It's also worth checking out here

I recently was given a book token as a thank you present. I used it to buy an Andy Goldsworthy book (Time). It has got me thinking about all sorts of things developing further some of my theological thinking about art in the purposes of God. I think i feel a meditation coming on. In this case about order, chaos and the artistic endeavour where some of Andy's methodology helps to appreciate a particular theological approach drawn from Genesis 1 and possibly drawing on a key (for me) insight from Vanstone's Love's Endeavour, Love's Expense. I've not time to develop it at the moment but hopefully in the next month or two, there will be time.

Also look at the images here.

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