22 April 2004

Bookless books

Now I like this idea; ever since I was little and I used to read in bed or other awkard places, finding that page turning was tough or holding the book open was tiring on the thumbs [that horrible pain in the palm of the hand], I have dreamed of the electronic book where you turn the pages by pushing a button or even talking to it. Well it looks like they finally came up with a design that could do it for me. 'They' being the Japanese. Admittedly it's not cheap but it sounds great and given that we have weigh [sic] too many books in the possible scenario of having to move from a vicarage into a semi [yes folks the price of losing my job and having a wife training for ordination -if I don't find a suitable replacement post] with all our books makes the possibility of having any future ones in digital form a very attractive proposition ... Now how much were they giving me for my redundancy payment .... ?

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Formation for participraying

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