22 April 2004

Pros and cons of nuke power

The US is looking at restarting its nukiller power programme again to cut pollution. The article gives a good bit of history to the issue.

Like the article says: “Nuclear power is not necessarily inherently unsafe,” says Stephen Smith, executive director of Southern Alliance to Clean Energy, which is against investing in nukes. “But it’s inherently unforgiving. If you make a mistake, it’s enormous.” -That's why it will never cut it as commercial -unsubsidized- power; it's simply not insurable cheaply enough -as the article notes. Notice too the things that are not factored in to the cheap quotes. The thing that gets me is at a time when terrorist threats are supposed to be top of the agenda, the US govt is thinking of investing billions in potential 'dirty bombs' many of them near population centres .... now there's got to be something wrong with that.

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Christian England? Maybe not...

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