22 June 2004

Current Church Models Lead to Large Churches And Large numbers of Unchurched @ e-Church.com

I suspect that what Tim Bednar says here commenting on the Barna report on unchurchedness in the USA is accurate. Particularly when he says at the end:
"I tend to believe that the unchurched are sophisticated, smart and self-sufficient. They do not think they have "felt needs" nor do they want their spiritual formation programed. Why? Because formation is a mystery like the creative process.

They are the ones who buy organic food, shop thrift stores and buy hybrid cars.

They are independent voters and are not single issue or litmus test voters.

They make up the creative class (est. 60 million) and are often times the engine of growth for the communities where they live. They are often the ones offended by Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertsons rhetoric--and they are uneasy with Bush's religious rhetoric. They consider themselves spiritual but not religious.

They build extended communities outside there family.

They underwent some Christian education, but have spent most of their adult lives "unlearning" it."

It seems to me that a lot of that would apply to significant numbers of people in the UK. These are 'my' people, and I would like to help them to connect with Christ .... There's a challenge.

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