17 December 2004

A Whitewashed Earthsea

Ursula le Guin is a quite outstanding fantasy novellist and her Earthsea series is a crown of her achievement. Small wonder, then, that someone has brought it to the TV and appropriately enough it's the SciFi channel [if only we could get it on Freeview]. However, in casting the main character ad a petulant white kid, they have understandably upset the authror who subtly but explicitly has a 'indian' complexion for Ged. In this article she explains why: the reason won't entirly translate to screen but I feel she as a point about authotial intention on this one.
"My protagonist is Ged, a boy with red-brown skin. In the film, he's a petulant white kid."
A Whitewashed Earthsea - How the Sci Fi Channel wrecked my books. By Ursula K. Le Guin:

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